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Author Topic: Forest Pack Pro 5.0.7 beta  (Read 8233 times)


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    • iToo Software
Forest Pack Pro 5.0.7 beta
« on: May 31, 2016, 01:24:48 PM »
Note: Beta versions include new features and fixes, but a beta version is NOT the final version of the product and therefore we don't guarantee there won't be errors that may disrupt the computer's operation and/or result in data loss. Use it always at your own risk.

Registered users of Forest Pack Pro can download the upgrade from the User Panel->Beta versions. For any question about this release, please use the Forest Pack beta forum.

Forest Pro 5.0.7 beta

- Added support for Max 2017.
- Added option to customize Font Size for the Lister (see Options).
- Actions of the Toolbar are available at "Customize User Interface" (within "Forest Pack" category).
- Fixed crash when rendering without license.
- Fixed: Effects->dotprod function was decleared as vector instead real.
- Fixed: Toolbar placed out of screen and not visible (see Note 1).
- Fixed: Toolbar is not available after a Workspace change.
- Fixed: Effects->random generator doesn't return consistent values in Custom Edit mode.
- Fixed rare bug that would cause animated objects are not updated correctly.
- Fixed: in some cases Forest Exclude Areas has no effect after the first animation frame.
- Fixed: Forest doesn't update with changes of rotation or scale on Custom Objects, until scene is reloaded.
- Fixed bug with XRef scenes binded to a rotated object.
- Fixed updating issue with Effects using "max.time" property.
- All configuration keys defined at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE can be read alternatively from same branch at HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
   This feature lets you to create custom installations using non-administrative accounts.

Note 1: if toolbar is not visible even after this update, try removing the following file and restarting Max:
   C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\<your max version>\ENU\en-US\plugcfg\forestpack_toolbar.ini
« Last Edit: June 08, 2016, 12:02:14 PM by iToo »
Carlos Quintero
iToo Software