Note: Beta versions include new features and fixes, but a beta version is NOT the final version of the product and therefore we don't guarantee there won't be errors that may disrupt the computer's operation and/or result in data loss. Always use it at your own risk.
Forest Pack Pro 9.0.1- Fixed crash when MaxToA package (Arnold) is not installed.
- Fixed 'division by zero' crash when rendering on Surface UV mode.
- Fixed: V-Ray proxies are not properly displayed on viewport.
- Improved Point-cloud behaviour using low density values, on objects with many small items (as ForestIyv).
- Fixed several bugs related with UV Surfaces and map channels.
- Enabled limit by material ID for UV surfaces.
- Added tooltips to the toolbar buttons.
- Fixed: the installer incorrectly displays '3DS Max 20240' instead of '3DS Max 2025'.
Forest Ivy
- Growth->'Death Distance' is changed from a fixed value to a random range (min/max).
- Fixed license error in render nodes.
- Fixed: several parameters are initialized with a wrong default value.
This is an update of
Forest Pack 9 beta, which includes major changes and improvements. You can get all details about this release
in this post.