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Author Topic: RailClone Pro 6.0.2 beta  (Read 16022 times)


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RailClone Pro 6.0.2 beta
« on: March 15, 2023, 01:35:07 PM »
Note 1: Beta versions include new features and fixes, but a beta version is NOT the final version of the product and therefore we don't guarantee there won't be errors that may disrupt the computer's operation and/or result in data loss. Always use it at your own risk.

RailClone 6.0.2 beta

- Added Maxscript interface to RailClone Tools->Instantiate:
   * To create instances for selected RC objects:    'Railclone_Pro.RailClone.Instantiate mode layerName autoDelete separatedMeshes forceInstances'
      mode (int) 0: individual, 1: group, 2: layer
      layerName (string). Target layer (only for mode 2)
      autoDelete (bool). If enabled, delete previous instances.
      separatedMeshes (bool). If enabled, create separated meshes for non-instanced semgents.
      forceInstances (bool). If enabled, generates as many instances as possible, ignoring Material and UVW operators.
      'Railclone_Pro.RailClone.Instantiate 0 "railclone_instances" true true false true'
   * To delete instances of selected RC objects (same as RailClone Tools->'Delete' button):
   * To enable selected RC objects (same as RailClone Tools->'Enable' button):

- Added gizmos to RCSlice modifier.
- Fixed random crash creating new 3DS Max scene or opening files.
- Fixed crash in RCSlice when used on Editable Meshes.
- Enabled negative values for Flat Top/Bottom in Transform operator.
- Added toolbar button to open Library Browser.

Style Editor:

- Added new option to Preferences: 'Rename Segment when assign object'
   * If disabled, segments are not renamed when object is assigned.
- Link nodes created from a wire (using drag & drop), receive the same name of the input node.
- Fixed: it was possible to wire from multiple selected nodes from an input connector. This should work only for output connectors.

RailClone 6.0.1 beta

- Randomize/Random->'Sync between Generators' is renamed to 'Reset on', and provides several modes.
   * You can choose to Reset on: 'X Spline', 'X Spline Section', 'Array Row' and 'Generator'.
   * For example, with 'Array Row' it can be used to generate same random values in all rows of an array.
   * To keep compatibility with existing scenes, default value is 'Generator'.
- Fixed: RailClone Tools is missing.
- Fixed wrong size of Library Items when zoom level is not the default value. (RC 6.0.0 bug)
- Improved result of RCSpline->Banking, when there is a single banking item at position 0.0.
   * In this case, banking angle is used as 'X Rotation', to define the initial rotation in the path.
- Fixed: Generators with exported Attributes don't generate geometry.
- Fixed: moving a RC object using Clipping Area, require 'Display->Build' to update correctly, instead an automatic rebuild.
- Fixed: Clipping Area doesn't update when spline area is animated.
- Fixed issue using VRayDecal with opacity maps and instancing engine.

Style Editor:

- Fixed wrong undo operation when cancelling wire contextual menu.
- Fixed help link for Operator nodes.

RailClone 6.0.0 beta

- Improved Library Browser. It has been rewritten from the ground up to make it easier to develop new features in the future. This initial release adds the following improvements:
   * Library Items are created from scene selection.
   * Material Library and Max scene is generated automatically.
   * Assets can be collected to a maps folder.
   * Improved search that filters matching items across all libraries.

- New modifier: RCSlice
   * Slices a mesh in all pieces used by RailClone, both for linear and array generators: Start,End,Default,X Evenly,X Corner,Top,Bottom,Start Top,End Top,Start Bottom and End Bottom.
   * Modifier output can be selected to any of these pieces, the full geometry or a mesh with all slices.
   * 'Segment' node includes a new parameter (RC Slice), to get automatically any piece of the object, when this uses a RCSlice modifier.
   * When used together 'Segment->RCSlice' parameter, place always RCSlice on top of the stack modifier.

- Added support for rotated or scaled items in groups.
- Added support of RailClone Color in Corona Renderer (v9 or above) using instancing.
- Segment->Deform->Flat Top/Bottom allows negative values.
   * To keep compatibility with existing scenes, Flat Top/Bottom is not applied when value is exactly zero.
- Fixed: toolbar is not restored to its last position, when Max is loaded.
- Fixed: toolbar's RailClone creation doesn't work in Lite version.
- Fixed wrong segments generated in FStorm when using Interactive Render.
- Fixed: Segments are placed below the spline when using Stepped with Bevel->Extend mode.
- Fixed: when 'Extract Segments' is applied two or more times, materials are lost.
- Fixed rare crash in V-Ray with VRayMultiTexmap.
- Fixed: lights using RailClone Color generates a wrong colour. It was correct in RC 5.2.6.

Style Editor:

- We changed significatively the behaviour of Style Editor:
   * In previous versions, Editor was closed when RailClone object was deselected.
   * Now you can continue editing the Style, even if RailClone object is not selected.
   * To edit a different object, you must click 'Open Editor' button on the new object.
   * Some actions close Editor automatically, as Open Library, enable Style Linking and others (this was not changed).

- New node: Link.
   * It just connects the input with the output. Use it to organize wiring in complex styles.
   * Type of node must be selected in properties: Segment, Spline, Surface or Numeric.
   * Node Style can be Normal or Simplified.
   * Wire Style with other Link nodes can be Normal, Dashed or Hidden.

- Added Reroute nodes. It lets you to modify a wire, adding intermediate nodes.
   * Add them with double click over a wire.
   * Reroute nodes has a single input and output. To derive multiple outputs from a wire, use a Link node instead.

- Added clone operations using 'Shift' key:
   * Moving selected nodes while clicking Shift, clone them.
   * Clicking a wire output, clone it.

- Styles can be protected by a password, which is requested for editing.
   * Set or remove the password at Style menu ->'Protect by Password'.
   * Be care, there is no way to recover the password if you forget it.

- Added new Arithmetic attributes:
   * 'InRender': returns 1 when building for render, 0 for viewport.
   * 'XSplineClosed', 'YSplineClosed': returns 1 when spline is closed, 0 if open.

- Added 'Import 3DS selection' to right menu.
   * Imports 3DS selected objects to the Editor as Segment or Spline nodes.
- Macro parameters can be grouped in categories.
   * Use main menu->Macro->'Define Parameters Order' dialog to edit categories.
- Numeric parameters can be disabled. Also On/Off state is exportable.
   * When disabled, they behaviour as non-connected.
- Added Seed options to Randomize node.
   * It provides same features as Random numeric node, as 'Sync between Generators', 'Generate on', etc.
- 'Align Mode' can be exported as a numeric parameter, both from Segment and Transform nodes.
   * 0: Automatic, 1: Pivot, 2: Min, 3: Middle, 4: Max.
- Added View->"Hide Wires" option (Ctrl-W).
   * When enabled, only wires of selected nodes are visible.
- Fixed: Colour of Input/Output Macro nodes is not initialized correctly.
- Added options to select wire thickness (Preferences->Wires->Thin width).
- Link->'Insert Node' contextual menu was not working well and is removed. Use Drag & Drop over link instead.
- Added option to assign object to multiple Segment nodes (select Segments->Property->Assign Object).
- Copying and pasting a Segment/Spline/Surface to a macro doesn't generate an error anymore. Instead, node is converted to a Macro Input node of the appropriate type.
- Double click over a Macro node opens it for editing.
- Added 'Reset Parameters' option to Macro's contextual menu. It resets all parameters to their default values.
- Added Selection mode at toolbar: Window/Crossing.
- Added load/save options to drop down list parameters (Selector).
- Added AND/OR mode to Conditional operator.
- Added Combo Selector as new parameter type for macros.

Registered users can download the upgrade from the User Panel->Beta versions. For any question about this release, please use the RailClone beta forum.

Carlos Quintero
iToo Software