I Can't get the Material Optimizer to work with my (free) Xfrog tree, please help.
What I do:
- make a new circle shape.
- import an Xfrog tree (EU03 Acer Opalus - Italian Maple) "EU03m.max"
- make a new Forest 3 Lite object
In the forest object settings:
- select EU03m as a custom object
- press the "Optimize Materials" button in the "Materials" rollout
- press "Optimize" in the popup menu screen.
- press "Yes" in the 'process will optimize the materials in the scene' - popup
Then I get a popup saying "There are not Forest objects selected !"
...And that's it, nothing else seems to happen. Rendering time is not 7,5 times faster than before pressing the butten.
Am I doing something wrong?
We're considering buying the Forest Pro plugin and extra tree libraries, but in doubt which works best for closeups and further away.