first thank for your great software, it's very helpfull.
I would create a grass surface with bands color like on soccer area.
For this I have think use "Match Color ID on Map" (
http://www.itoosoft.com/forestpack/reference/refdistmap2.php). For this I have create a map with 2 color (green and red), and i apply the same color to my color ID Geometry.
Next I've put my map in the "distribution map" slot but the result is I have one band with my 2 geometry, next band nothing, next band my 2 geometry .........
What Have I do wrong?
The only way i have find to obtain the resut i want is to create 2 "Forest function", one with a map at 50% top dark and 50%bottom with noise to obtain one band, and the the second "Forest" have the same map turn to 180° attach to the same spline. But the thing is max RAM process increase from 600Mo to 1800Mo without rendering. (I know that because when I delete the 2 "Forest" max RAM process get back to 600Mo.
If you can help me.
Pictures below are:
-my map with 2 color
-screenshot of the wrong result
-render of the good result but with too much RAM use