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Author Topic: Distribution map / Match Color ID on Map help  (Read 13147 times)


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Distribution map / Match Color ID on Map help
« on: February 15, 2011, 01:32:37 PM »

first thank for your great software, it's very helpfull.

I would create a grass surface with bands color like on soccer area.

For this I have think use "Match Color ID on Map" ( For this I have create a map with 2 color (green and red), and i apply the same color to my color ID Geometry.
Next I've put my map in the "distribution map" slot but the result is I have one band with my 2 geometry, next band nothing, next band my 2 geometry .........
What Have I do wrong?

The only way i have find to obtain the resut i want is to create 2 "Forest function", one with a map at 50% top dark and 50%bottom with noise to obtain one band, and the the second "Forest" have the same map turn to 180° attach to the same spline. But the thing is max RAM process increase from 600Mo to 1800Mo without rendering. (I know that because when I delete the 2 "Forest" max RAM process get back to 600Mo.

If you can help me.


Pictures below are:
-my map with 2 color
-screenshot of the wrong result
-render of the good result but with too much RAM use


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Re: Distribution map / Match Color ID on Map help
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2011, 05:38:22 PM »
To use "Match Color ID on Map" is better to assign a surface:

1) Create a flat surface, apply a UV map modifier and adjust it to get the desired bands scale
2) In Forest, use Distribution by Map with the bands color image, and set the same Map channel used by the surface
3) Assign the terrain in Forest->Surface

You are getting empty bands because the map also defines the distribution of items, according to the luminosity of the pixels in a black/white scale. Use the Threshold parameter to adjust this range and get a full map.

Carlos Quintero
iToo Software


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Re: Distribution map / Match Color ID on Map help
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2011, 06:37:59 PM »
I will try