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Author Topic: Matte Shadow material on FP Grass  (Read 9191 times)


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Matte Shadow material on FP Grass
« on: July 12, 2011, 01:56:01 AM »
I am using your free grass meshes to populate a field. I need to do one pass with a matte shadow material on all of the FP elements in the scene.

I am using Render Pass Manager as my main pass manager and I can't seem to affect the material for that pass.

Is there a way to do this without replacing the material manually in the FP rollout?


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Re: Matte Shadow material on FP Grass
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2011, 09:01:24 AM »

By default Forest creates a multi-sub with all materials of the Geometry List and assign it to itself, but you can override this behaviour turning off "Consolidate Material" and assigning your own material to the object. To recover the auto-material, turn on "Consolidate" and click "Reassign Material".

Note: there is a crashing bug in Forest 3.4.x turning off "Consolidate materials", when Points-cloud if the active display mode. Be sure to use other viewport mode before applying the above procedure. This problem is fixed in v.3.5.x, but it has not been released yet for Forest Lite.

Other approach would be to use a "Blend" material. Put the grass material in the slot 1, the matte in slot 2 and set the mixing value to 0. In this way you can switch easily between both materials with the "Swap" button. I have not tested this by myself, but it would work.

Carlos Quintero
iToo Software


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Re: Matte Shadow material on FP Grass
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2011, 06:09:58 PM »
That's great news. Thank you. I will try that.  I saw that but didn't understand what it was.