Itoo Software Forum

Author Topic: 2 Network licenses from Seperate offices, now moved onto same LAN - Fix please  (Read 3393 times)


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Hi Itoo Software team

We have 2 seperate PC's from different offices, each with their own license server and network licenses (for both FP and RC), now in a new location in the SAME LAN.

Obviously since you can only have 1 license server on the LAN, this is causing issues where only 1 machine works at a time as the other's license server automatically shuts down as its sees the 1st.

Ideally, we want a solution where each pc does not need to rely on the other to be switched on and serving licenses. Each should maintain it's own license.

Is it good enough to convert the 1 PC's network license to a local license, or would both need converting to a local license?

Michal Karmazín

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Hi Morne,

The Itoo Software License Server should be installed just on one computer in your local network that'll run the licensing service & host all licenses.

When really needed (in most situations we highly recommend having just one license server running), there is a possible workaround by modifying the system registry key to override the port (like for example to the port 16721) and then manually configure all the clients (but that'll not support the "auto-search" mode). Attaching a screenshot showing the registry key listed below.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Itoo Software\License Server

If you decide to modify it, please remember you have to configure all clients by setting the network license to the IP of the server instead of finding it automatically. This can be done using the "Change License Mode" wizard after setting Network license mode in the Configure the Network License window.

I hope that helps.

Best regards,


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Unfortunately this solution does not work. It still detects the other license server then shuts the one down.
pc1 we left everything as is

on pc2 we switched the port to 16721 and also pointed FP and RC to this port as can bee seen in the screenshots

Will converting PC 2 to a local license sort the issue?