Thanks for your reply. I found out, that FP mabye is seaching for textures... When I reopen the scene, is misses a lot of fp_.....jpg files. If I pick material from the Meadow object created with FP, Ithere is a image in the Bitmap Parameter slot, but it can't be loadet.
When I click on it, it sends me to the dokument/max root, but cant be found.
I reeinstal FP and it downloads about 3 GB files. I can see that there is images in some of the Maps folders fx. Cut Hedge, Layered Lawns but many is not in the folders. Looks like they all are in one big Maps folder in C/users/my name//app data/itoo software/Forest Pack Pro/maps.
Can't seem to point the texture directory for FP on that messy folder. I don't understand that oddly file system of FP.