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Author Topic: A360 Cloud Rendering Issues  (Read 3185 times)


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A360 Cloud Rendering Issues
« on: November 27, 2015, 06:56:02 PM »
[WARNING] Ignoring geometry object [_forest_template_One Plane] as it is not renderable or it is hidden

If I set up a small scene and rendering, everything comes out fine. If I select A360 Cloud Rendering, Forest objects to not appear and I get error messages similar to above error, as well as the one below.

"Some forest objects were not built correctly in the last render. See "View Stats" to get additional information about the Error:"....

Which says "Number of faces exceeded in the last render (5.1M). Adjust 'Display'.

Why does it work locally and not in the cloud?

Paul Roberts

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Re: A360 Cloud Rendering Issues
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2015, 07:26:38 PM »

As far as I know A360 uses a proprietary Autodesk renderer, that isn't iray, mental ray or any other renderer available locally in Max. Therefore I'm afraid it isn't supported natively by Forest Pack either, which tries to render the scatter as a single mesh and exceeds the poly count. You can see a list of the supported renderers and features here.

Here's some additional information from  Autodesk:

Some plugins take special advantage of features in the renderers – like render-time instancing – which A360 doesn't support. In that case you will need individual copies of the objects, not the programmatic instancing. ForestPack Pro is an example. It is the same issue with Iray – you can place the individual trees and plants from their library into a scene and they render, but relying on the plugin to generate render-time instancing will not work. A360 handles the individual high-poly plants well.

If you need to use A360 with Forest pack, and depending on the size of the scene, you may find that converting the forest object to standard max instances using Forest Tools will work.

I hope that helps.

Many thanks,

Paul Roberts
iToo Software