Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

About the opening speed of the file

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My MAX file will feel that the opening speed is slower than before, and the more of Forest uses, the slower the opening, but the speed is not affected. I would like to ask if there is any way to improve the speed of opening the file.

Paul Roberts:

Thanks for the question. Forest Pack itself is very light and shouldn't adversely affect file opening/save speeds. However, the objects that users scatter with Forest Pack, and especially trees, can be many millions of polygons, and these can slow down file operations when they are saved in the scene.

One solution is to import the scattered geometry as an XRef or a Proxy so that the objects are saved in an external file. If you are using objects from the built-in Forest Pack library, you can read more (including some caveats) about importing as XRefs here:


I made trees in advance into a Corona proxy, and then in making forest, is it a problem with CR proxy?

Paul Roberts:
Is it still slow even when they are Corona Proxies? If so, could you send us a sample scene to (use Wetransfer or equivalent for large files) and we'll take a look.


I have sent the file to
I found that the release of the FOREST (reserved CR proxy) After only a few seconds, it takes more than two minutes to do not delete.


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