I'm facing something I don't understand completely. I'm building a parametric front yard for several connected houses in a row. It's build with a pathway, a terrace and in between the seperate yards some hedges (made of boxes like your tutorial 'Creating hedges and topiary With Forest Pack in 3ds Max' shows). It's all in one big Railclone script because I would like to parameterize as much as possible.
When adding a forest pack object for the hedges however, I run into the area selection of the hedge. For other parts which use XY surface mode I just use a Material ID to select the parts I would like to use (the grass for example). As a workaround I used a gradient map in the distribution slot, but the problem with that is that it's not fully parametic beacause I have to manualy place the geometry out of the UV space (see attatchment). I tought of making a multi-sub material to make a white color for the selected object (on that material ID) and black for all the other objects, but Forest Pack doesn't take that kind of maps. I'm not sure why. So that's my first question, is it something to add for a future release or are there technical problems holding you back?
And second question, is there another way to make this work parametric within the one script I already got? Or is there a way to conncect two seperate Railclone objects so it still works as a parametric whole?
Thanks in advance!
Jakob de Vries