Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)
Always show ForestPack icon
When you can a ForestPack object in the viewports, if not disable you have to pick the distribution result to select the object and access its properties.
When you disable it (Display/Disable Object), the distribution isn't visible anymore (right), and the Forest object appear with its orange icon at the center pivot.
Could we have this icon always visible, even when the Forest object isn't disabled ? Or is there ever a way to get this bahevior, maxscript or not ?
Michal KarmazĂn:
The F icon is shown automatically (currently, there's no way how to override it) only when there is no item to show (because of being disabled, not using any item, having distribution issues).
Actually, the most efficient way would be to use the Forest Lister to access several of properties easily. Hope that helps.
Best regadrs,
Well, we have done our own lister for options we need, but we organize scenes due to lot of different surfaces, plants and distribution. We then place each Forest aside its plants, independently of where is its surface. So it would really help to have a way to override this option and always show the helper/F icon.
--- Quote from: KiboOst on January 23, 2017, 04:34:42 PM ---Well, we have done our own lister for options we need, but we organize scenes due to lot of different surfaces, plants and distribution. We then place each Forest aside its plants, independently of where is its surface. So it would really help to have a way to override this option and always show the helper/F icon.
--- End quote ---
Is there any update on implementing an override? It's not very practical to just use the Forest Lister.
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