Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

Boundary Checking compatability


Anthony Lester:
Quick question which I think I know the answer to but though I'd check.

Can Boundary Checking in edge mode be used for either GPU rendering or on the Chaos Group Cloud rendering service?

I am assuming that as the scene is converted to a vrayscene that the clipping is cannot take place - or at least that is what my testing has returned.

If this is the case is there a work around (I suppose I could use the old school method of using smaller objects at boundary edges) or if it is possible where might I be going wrong?

It works locally using progressive rendering and bucket.


Edge mode is not supported on vray GPU.

Old school workaround is still great technique.

Anthony Lester:
Thanks for the confirmation, what about the Chaos Group Cloud rendering service, clearly a 3rd party service but anywhere to confirm Forest Pro compatibilities with that?

I have not used chaos cloud. As it uses .vrscene there are many more incompatibilities.

Feel free to check other render farms.


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