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Author Topic: Falloff beyond an exclude spline  (Read 6162 times)


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Falloff beyond an exclude spline
« on: August 09, 2024, 12:17:51 PM »
Is there a way to adjust a fall off that EXTENDS over an exclude spline. currently the falloff pushes density back away from the exclude spline. is there a way to use negative values so that it leaks into the exluded spline area without having to just shrink the excluded spline and then using falloff normally.

Michal Karmazín

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Re: Falloff beyond an exclude spline
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2024, 12:52:43 PM »

It's not possible to use negative values directly, however, you can achieve the desired effect by duplicating the Forest object and switching the Include & Exclude Areas - by enabling the Invert Curve feature, you should be able to get the result you're looking for.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,