Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)
Creating planes along a path
I found today, that creating planes along a path and in VERTEX POSITIONS doesn't work properly.
It creates planes on the vertexes but adds 7 extra planes between the vertexes along the spline segment.
I have tried everything.
I deleted these extra planes manually at last. Angry now!
Does anybody know the solution to the problem?
Max9 64-bit
Has the spline any curved segment ? Take care that for 3DS a curved segment is processed internally as a collection of straight segments, so Planes (and other plugins that works with splines) may create additional vertexes.
To fix it, edit the spline, select all segments, show the right click pop up menu and enable the 'Line' checkbox ('Curve' is the default value).
Thank you!
It helped. The splines were not curves, but there was no Spline Interpolation switched on there.
Now its ok.
Thanks again.
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