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Author Topic: Custom model library  (Read 1116 times)


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Custom model library
« on: September 02, 2015, 12:35:31 PM »

I'm setting up some buildings to go in a custom library.  What I tend to do is have all of the models in the scene and use the import 3d models from scene feature of FP to make the library. 

If I modify the scene later on, for example, add a window to one building, increase the roof pitch of another etc, will the models update to the new version when reloading the scene.  Does FP reference the file?

If I add new buildings to the scene file (with new textures), will FP load those in too?

I'm sure I had another question about this but my brain is turning to mush.  :P



Michal Karmazín

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Re: Custom model library
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2015, 12:51:25 PM »
Hi Sean,

"If I modify the scene later on, for example, add a window to one building, increase the roof pitch of another etc, will the models update to the new version when reloading the scene.  Does FP reference the file?"
Yes, it'll always Merge / XRef (upon the 3D Object creation mode selected in the Library Browser window) the "actual" object saved in corresponding scene.

"If I add new buildings to the scene file (with new textures), will FP load those in too?"
No (in most cases - unless you'll attach those meshes together and keep the previous object name). Any "item" is defined by <maxfile> </maxfile> & <object> </object> tags linking the particular object from defined scene into Forest Pack. If you'll add another object to that scene, just the object specified under <object> </object> tag will be Merged / XReffed.

Hope that clears it up. Please feel free to check our "Creating Libraries" tutorial where you can find many useful tips.

Best regards,