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Author Topic: possible to retain custom objects after converting to instances?  (Read 2614 times)


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possible to retain custom objects after converting to instances?
« on: February 20, 2014, 07:39:22 PM »
Hi guys,

love ForestPro! been using it in Archvis for quite some time but as I`m a game developer by nature I would love to use the tool in my game creation pipeline to create object positions for in-engine use. however currently when I try to convert a forest object via the forest tool to instances I get back the pivots which is great but all the names are overriden as Forest001_instance_001... so there is no way to distinguish between the meshes that have been put into the forest object (e.g. Tree001_instance_001, Tree002_instance001, etc). Is it possible or would it be possible for a future version to support retaining at least the name of the object if not the object that has been assigned as a custom object itself? that would be awesome and open up a lot of realtime usage possibilities!

btw I`m currently using railclone pro extensively to create dynamic game assets giving me a lot more flexibility than what was possible before. awesome plugins guys!

Paul Roberts

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Re: possible to retain custom objects after converting to instances?
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2014, 09:03:51 PM »

You should fine the forest 2.2  beta has introduced a more descriptive naming scheme for instances. The format is forestName_objectName_###, hopefully this will be useful for your requirements. Thanks for the kinds words about the plugins, I'll make sure it's passed on to the rest of the team.

It's interesting to hear about RailClone being used in game dev - if you ever have any examples you can share we'd love to see them.

Many thanks,

Paul Roberts
iToo Software


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Re: possible to retain custom objects after converting to instances?
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2014, 09:30:06 AM »
works like a charm with the new beta!

I`ll post some infos about our extensive usage of railclone and forest to create detailed game levels after the game has been publicly announced, which will hopefully happen later this year.

cheers guys and thanks for the support!