Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)
Deleting Library from the Forest Library editor deletes server content
i just had to re-create my custom library after PC re-build, and noticed that whilst trying to re-organise the library folders inside the Forest editor, it deleted content from the server location? Is this really possible as it seems very dangerous?
Had to download content from evermotion again, reloading and get this wierd import, one of the max files has been split into two Object files? I have gone through the import procedure twice and tried to reload the max file again and it splits it again?
Michal KarmazĂn:
Hi Martin,
Could it be that there are multiple objects in the scene? If so, you can use the * in the <object> tag:
--- Code: ---<object>*</object>
--- End code ---
to attach these objects during the import process.
I hope that helps.
Best regards,
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