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Author Topic: DESNITY, CAMERA CLIPPING crashing issue???  (Read 1609 times)


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DESNITY, CAMERA CLIPPING crashing issue???
« on: February 14, 2023, 02:46:34 PM »
Forest v 8.0.7 and Corona v9 and Max 2022.

Any known issues with using camera clipping and density falloff on forest objects with a lot of instances, such as with meadow grass (for example)

I have a master scene of my project, of which I built the landscaping and building etc, with about 40 forest objects covering trees, planting, grass etc.  The usual.  From this master scene I created 5 separate camera scenes for different viewpoints around the development.  For each camera in each scene I optimised the forest objects per camera, clipping, density falloff etc.  Nothing wrong here, no, good practice?

4 scenes have rendered, ok Backburner has been a little hesitant to kick off with the 'pipe has ended error' but I have one final camera scene to render and it ALWAYS crashes before the first pass.  Interactive renders fine, but a 5K render always crashes.  Even a 4K render crashes.  Now I find this very perplexing as all this has come from the master scene, of which four different cameras have rendered absolutely fine and they all use the same original forest objects, and proxies and instance etc.

I have reverted to the masterscene, left everything as it was, and was able to get the view point in question rendering without any issues from this masterscene.  So I have resaved this scene as my preferred viewpoint, and proceeded to optimise the forest objects a few at a time, before I got to the handful that I suspect are causing the problem (but quite why I don't really know yet).

Anyway, it crashes again after scene parsing and displacement, usually just before the first pass.

So, are there any know issues using CAMERA CLIPPING and/or DENSITY FALLOFF.

Client is waiting, I'm getting very frustrated!


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Re: DESNITY, CAMERA CLIPPING crashing issue???
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2023, 02:58:40 PM »
in my opinion, I think the problem lies in the fact that some forest objects use another forest object as an exclude object.  Once clipping is added, or density falloff, then it may be the cause of the render crash.  But why this is occurring ONLY in this one camera scene I don't know, because in my other camera scenes, it did not force a crash.

Michal Karmazín

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Re: DESNITY, CAMERA CLIPPING crashing issue???
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2023, 09:23:54 AM »

I'm sorry to hear, you're facing these troubles. Please, send us the minidump file of the crash. Hopefully, it'll point to the problem source. Thanks in advance.

Best regards,