Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

distribution map type always "Very Scattered.bmp"


When we save a scene using a distribution map other than the default "very scattered", (i.e. "Dense.bmp") this scene reloads correctly EXCEPT the distribution map showing in the rollout always shows "very scattered". If this scene is now saved without manually changing the listed distribution map, it will reload with this default "very scattered" distribution next time.

Is there something we should be doing to so that the disribution map listed in the rollout shows the correct map being used, rather than always showing "very scattered". This creates problems in our studio when an individual may work on a scene created by another, but not be aware what the proper distribution map actually was.
I notice that the "presets" option, doesn't appear to save the distribution map type, otherwise, that could be a work-around.


David Sparks
Senior Animator, Fay Engineering Coroporation


What version of Forest are you using ?  This bug was fixed in Forest 2.31:

I just resent to your email address the latest Forest release (2.33). If you was already using 2.33, please tell it me.

Thanks Carlos. Sorry it took a while to get back to this, I've been on vacation. We are using just 2.3. Also, apologies for not checking the version update info prior to posting. Could you resend the updated version? I suspect your email was filtered and that's why I didn't recieve it. Perhaps try this alternative email:

Thanks again

David Sparks
Senior Animator, Fay Engineering Corporation


I just resent Forest 2.33 to your account.


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