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Author Topic: Evermotion Library - Installation Problem  (Read 5044 times)


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Evermotion Library - Installation Problem
« on: June 20, 2018, 07:24:59 PM »
I bought Evermotion's plants vol 85 and vol 154 yesterday.  I am trying to import the models into the FP library browser.  The max model's names were very generic(ex.001).  The thumbnails were scientific named, eg, 01_latin name.  I received errors when installing after creating the directory in FP's library browser.  See attached screenshot.  Any tips to getting these files imported and running are appreciated.  Thank you!
Landscape Director
Environmental Modernism

Michal Karmazín

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Re: Evermotion Library - Installation Problem
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2018, 09:13:45 AM »

For this purpose, we developed our Catalogs (HQ / Xfrog / Evermotion) linking these model packages through the Library Browser inside of the Forest Pack plug-in. These catalogs are listed under Products - Free Add-ons. Please feel free to use following direct download link for the latest Evermotion Catalog.

Unfortunately, the Archmodels vol. 154 isn't supported by the Evermotion Catalog, but it shouldn't be hard for you to create your own library with help of our "Creating Libraries" tutorial covering the "libraries" topic in detail. Hope you'll find it useful.

Please feel free to get inspired by index.xml files from our Catalogs (HQ / Xfrog / Evermotion). You can copy&paste tags for any item (inside of <item></item> tags) and modify its thumbnail (<bitmap></bitmap>), scene path (<maxfile></maxfile>), object name (<object></object>) etc.

Best regards,


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Re: Evermotion Library - Installation Problem
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2018, 04:35:55 PM »
Hi Michael,

Thank you for the information.  After I fumbled around a bit yesterday I began to have some success with loading singular plants but not entire libraries.  I will try the copy/paste trick using the .xml file.  I also noticed my Evermotion library came with .max files that were very generic and did not match the thumbnail .jpegs.  When I renamed the .max files I believe iToo could not find and link the files together to become a library item.  When I correlated the names such as AM_154_001_Latin name with the thumbnail .jpeg with the same name things worked fine and everything imported properly. 

Another interesting note is the max plant files were all singular and were not 'together' as in a max scene file.  Also, some plants were not 'attached' and their leaves, branches, trunks were all grouped as separate elements.  I found I had to go and attach all elements and re-save the max file before creating a new library item.

When I get through with a planting plan today I will try combining all of the max files into one massive file and see if I can import them all as was referenced in the online tutorial.  Eventually I want to create the small vs large patches of plants per south Florida / Caribbean native plant communities, ie, dune / scrub / hammock maritime / pine rocklands / etc... 

I am very impressed with spline modeling... It almost feels like cheating after placing individual plants one by one over the years...  Thanks again for your help!

Landscape Director
Environmental Modernism