Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

Exclude falloff - bug


Hi, I noticed that if falloff is for Exclude, it is also validated in Include. Basically the idea is that if there is a closed curve/paint and there is an opening inside this curve, it is taken as Exclude. Which for me is probably not correct. Or am I wrong?
More in GIF:

Michal Karmazín:

This is how the plug-in currently handles 'inner' areas: any isolated area within an Include area becomes an Exclude area, and vice versa. If additional areas exist within those, the logic alternates, switching the mode with each level. To avoid this behavior, you’ll need to handle these areas separately. I hope this clarifies it.

Best regards,

OK, I thought so. It's no problem getting used to it. I guess I just missed it in the announcement of the new features. Thank you


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