Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

forest 3.02 - mentalRay AD material incompatible


it seems i`m on loose with issues reporting :) , anyway, if i attach into forestpro material an AD mentalRay material, it wont render it, it seems it is not supported ? standard materials works, but i need to work with AD materials, is there any solution ?


No, it doesn't work.

In Mental Ray, Forest Material gets only some parameters from the base material (texture, mask and self-illum value), and builds a mental ray material using two custom shaders: "Forest Texture 3" and "Forest Shadow 3":

Really, Forest Material is only a translator to these shaders, so any advanced material used on it will be ignored.

You can use other materials with Forest (not FM), but as some features won't work (shadow planes, random tint...),  is not recommendable.


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