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Author Topic: Forest Animation Not Displaying  (Read 428 times)


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Forest Animation Not Displaying
« on: July 08, 2023, 07:50:16 PM »
I've got a concert scene that I'm animating and I have a sphere that I want to have animated like people waving their phones to the music. I've keyframed the sphere to animate in a simple arc, but that animation is not displaying within the forest object. Is there a trick I need to do to get this object to display correctly? Does forest not read keyframes? I've also tried animating the sphere with a noise controller and that did not also appear in the forest object.

I've attached a simple test scene for anyone to play with.

A bonus question, if I wanted to do the same concept but in a basketball scene and use these spheres as camera flashes randomly popping off. What would be the best way to do that, maybe with an animated self-illumination map or object visibility keys?

Paul Roberts

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Re: Forest Animation Not Displaying
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2023, 09:11:33 AM »

when you animate the rotation, translation or scale of an object and then add it to Forest Pack, you'll find that the animation is not used in the resultant scatter, fortunately there's a simple workaround. Instead of animating the object directly, simply add an XForm modifier and animate the Gizmo. This resultant animation is basically the same as animating the object directly and works correctly  when added to Forest Pack.

Regarding the flashbulbs idea. I would suggest using an animated map, I don't think Forest Pack will work with animated visibility keys.

I hope that helps,

Paul Roberts
iToo Software