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Author Topic: Forest edge limitations?  (Read 1526 times)


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Forest edge limitations?
« on: October 11, 2018, 01:07:00 AM »

We are having some problems with forest edge in the studio at the minute,  and I'm wondering if this is due to limitations with forest edge or if we are doing something wrong.

I use forest edge regularly for foliage and rugs and never have any issues.

Currently, we are trying to scatter some high-resolution pavers and clip the edges using a spline and forest edge.  As far as I can tell it is set up correctly;  Areas - surface unchecked, custom spline include is on and boundary checking is set to edge, with a forest edge node in the opacity channel and the clipping is not working.  We have even set up a test scene with some low res geometry but that doesn't work either.  Still works completely fine for grass/rug patches though :/

Any help on this would be great. or just clarification that we can/can not do it.  We are using max 2018 with corona 2 and FP 6.1.1 and have tried with 6.1.2 but no difference between builds.

I appreciate that we might be better off with RC for this, but RC never seems to run as quick as FP and crashes interactive render with corona pretty regularly



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Re: Forest edge limitations?
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2018, 08:14:59 AM »
Yes, RailClone is better suited in this situation. ForestPack does not clip geometry. RailClone- does.
ForestPack only Hides elements that fall behind Spline Area. Good for small objects with many elements, but bad for one element, big mesh.