Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

Forest Libary Map Paths


Using 3DS Max 2023.3 and Vray 6.2 and Forest Pro 8.2.5

For some reason my library(s) are no longer recognizing the maps folders. I have to add each path manually in "Configure Project Paths".

I have attached a screen grab showing an example of my Library structure . I have been using this for years without a problem. Now I have this trouble.

Have I done something wrong or....?

Michal KarmazĂ­n:

Please double-check your Library Browser > Preferences > Options - for the best performance, by default, the "Add 'maps' folders to 3DS Max texture paths" feature has both the "Only Built-In Library ("Forest Library")" and "Exclude network paths" options checked - disabling these should do the trick (the Forest Pack plug-in will also search in your "custom libraries" and should be able to add them automatically).

I hope that helps.

Best regards,

Thank you Michal. I have disabled those two options and believe that was likely the trouble. If further problems I will follow up, otherwise thanks for your help!


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