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Author Topic: Forest pack close 3ds max  (Read 8021 times)

Bruno NM

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Forest pack close 3ds max
« on: October 25, 2017, 08:17:43 PM »
Hi !
Just for notify wha't's happen in my computer recently. Yesterday i had a issue with my shorcuts in 3ds max 2015. No shortcuts works even if i tried to modify them in the custom user interface menu. So i did this trick here, change the folder name EN by whatever you want, and when i restart 3ds max all shortcuts were come back !

But today i started a simple scene, in would like to switch my render engine for Vray, so go in the Vray quick settings, and this message pop up ''Do you want to switch your render engine by Vray ?''  I clicked yes, and when i go on the material editor and click get material this message appear: ''Forest pack is not compatible with current Vray version''. And then 3ds max close everytime the same deal.
Actually i desinstalled 3ds max, and reinstall it. We'll see if everything run good.
I have Vray 3.6 and Forest pack 5.4.1 (yes an old one), and before all of this, never have a problem like that.

Michal Karmazín

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Re: Forest pack close 3ds max
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2017, 12:16:57 PM »

Sorry to hear you're facing these troubles. First let me mention, that the support for V-Ray 3.6 has been added in the Forest Pack Lite/Pro 5.4.0 (you can download the latest installer from User Panel - Downloads - My Products) and you shouldn't be facing any troubles with it as the latest version is fully compatible with 3ds max 2012 - 2018 (32 or 64 bits) and currently supported V-Ray versions are 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6.

Let me point out, that when installing our plug-in, please double check you are not running any 3ds max or related (like the VRay Spawner) service during the installation process. Sometimes, even closed, 3ds max might not shut down correctly and its processes are still running in the background. To check this you can go to the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc and make sure they've both has shut down correctly.

I would suggest you to try the following:
  • Be sure 3ds max and VRaySpawner are closed
  • Delete the ForestPackPro.dlo from the "plugins" Max folder (<maxdir>\plugins\ForestPackPro.dlo) and all ForestVRay??.dll files from the max root folder
  • Reinstall the Forest Pack plug-in
Hope the re-installation helps and please let us know that's all working fine or you are still facing troubles with it. Thanks in advance for any further comments on this issue you can share about it with us / our user community.
"I have Vray 3.6 and Forest pack 5.4.1 (yes an old one)"
Might be, you're using an older FP version (not the 5.4.1)? That would explain your troubles. As mentioned above, the V-Ray 3.6 is supported currently in FP 5.4.0 & 5.4.1.

Best regards,

Bruno NM

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Re: Forest pack close 3ds max
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2017, 12:53:30 PM »
Sorry i tell you FP 5.4.1, in fact it was FP 4.41 ^^ !
For now 3ds max is reinstall and vray too, don't have any issue.
I'm actually installing raiclone and update it, we'll see...

Many thanks for your answer :D

Bruno NM

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Re: Forest pack close 3ds max
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2017, 05:33:16 PM »
I finished to install 3ds max and railclone (i didn't install Forest pack 4.4.1 because of non-compatible with vray 3.6 you said before).
I care about what you said before, but impossible to close ''Chaos Software Ltd.Application Runtime'' and the ''VRL Service Module'' in the Task Manager before the installation process of Railclone. 3ds max was properly close. I deleted all files ForestVray.ddl and ForestPack.Pro.dlo.

Then when i restart 3ds max, try to modeling, right click and this message pop up. 3ds max don't close but i can't use right click ;(
So i deleted all .ms files from Forest Pack, but nothing change when i restart 3ds max, same issue with the right click...

Bruno NM

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Re: Forest pack close 3ds max
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2017, 05:44:37 PM »
Oh sorry i posted too fast, after i deleted all .ms forest files in the AppData/Autodesk/3dsmax/2015-64bit/ENU/usermacros and then all seem to be repaired !
First time it was just in the programms files i did.