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Author Topic: FP7 + Corona Interactive  (Read 1633 times)

Angel 1=2

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FP7 + Corona Interactive
« on: March 11, 2021, 02:30:33 PM »
First of all - great work on this long anticipated update.

I bumped into performance issue with latest version of Forest pack and using Corona Interactive Viewport .
As soon as try to use corona camera - and try to move camera, the whole viewport becomes super, super slow.
If go into perspective mode - the issue is not that noticable.

Decided to check if previous FP version - 6.3.1 gives me  the same performance decrease issue within camera  and it seems to work flawlessly.
Can You confirm FP 7 has viewport issues with corona camera within interactive vewport?
For the record, both FP tested on the same dual xeon v 4 machine, latest win 10 updates and 3ds max 2020.3


Angel 1=2

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Re: FP7 + Corona Interactive
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2021, 02:50:25 PM »
Quick update.

After checking how the scene behanves with 6.3.1 updated to 7.0.6. - The scene is no longer renderable - 3ds max freezes - both in render and viewport.
Sad that I have to switch back to 6.3.1. 

Paul Roberts

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Re: FP7 + Corona Interactive
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2021, 03:03:04 PM »
If it's limited to the Camera view I wonder if this could be related to Frustum Culling. I'd be interested to know if disabling Limit to Visibility improves things?


Paul Roberts
iToo Software

Angel 1=2

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Re: FP7 + Corona Interactive
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2021, 09:34:39 AM »
Hi Paul,

I do not use Limit to Visibility, ever, so that's not the culprit.
As mentioned yesterday - FP 7.0.6 freezes 3ds max, or at least some of the forest pack objects - grass elements specifically.
Reverting to 6.3.1 is the only solution for me to keep work going.

For the record the forest pack object was initially done in FP 6.3.0 then copied the object between scenes. With version 7.0.5 was good enough but encountered the slow interactive update inside camera.
Reverted from 7.0.5 to 6.3.1 - no such issue. Now trying hard what could be the problem with 7.0.6. but I'd rather spend the time pushing the project forward, so have to revert once again to 6.3.1.

Are there any compatibility issues between 6.x.x and 7.x.x. ?


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Re: FP7 + Corona Interactive
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2021, 11:06:51 AM »
Yes, scenes saved with FP7 are not recommended to be opened with previous FP6. Some problems might arise.

It is hard to troubleshoot Your scene without having it. Please attach or send it to us it so we can see what can be done.
Thank You.