Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

Forest/RailClone Lister


I upgraded FP and RC to the latest version, but found that the "Delete key stops working after closing Forest/RailClone Lister." bug still exists? I still cannot delete objects after closing Forest/RailClone Lister. I can only delete objects after opening Forest/RailClone Lister.

Yes, we included a fix in the latest updates, but the bug stills happen ocasionally.
We are testing other fix in our development builds, which seems to solve it. Once we complete some tests, we'll include it in the next update.

Meanwhile, the workaround is to open the Forest or RailClone lister, and switch the focus (click the window) between lister and the Max scene.

I don't quite understand the meaning of the last sentence. Can you show me a GIF of how to do it?

This way:

- Open the Forest or RailClone lister.
- Click on it, so the window is selected.
- Click in the 3DS Max scene (Lister is deselected)
- Keep the lister open, don't close it.

That procedure enables the Delete key for 3DS Max.


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