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Author Topic: Hi.. need a bit of assistance for "Update Surface Data"  (Read 1480 times)


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Hi.. need a bit of assistance for "Update Surface Data"
« on: February 11, 2021, 01:25:31 PM »
It is really slow to have the AUTO option ON "Update surface data automatically".. in Surface Category.

As this is drastically reducing the performance of my system..

I have 64 gb ram.. yet it slows down when this option is on.
When I keep this option off system has no performance issues.

If the base geometry (surface) has hi poly.. it takes over 15 sec just to go into sub-object mode.

Looking for a simple alternative... Any suggestions are welcome

Is it possible to have a script that auto updates surface on File save.
Just as Itoo hides unhides "itoo layers" on Save command.

Thanks in Advance..



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Re: Hi.. need a bit of assistance for "Update Surface Data"
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2021, 03:06:37 PM »
Hi. Enabling this "on save" would increase file save time by uncontrollable amount.
I would suggest You a ForestPack Toolbox utility I've been developing. It has this refresh function among other useful goodies.



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Re: Hi.. need a bit of assistance for "Update Surface Data"
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2021, 05:18:22 PM »

You are a life saviour!

Thank you!!