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Author Topic: forest pro render with vray gpu  (Read 2570 times)


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forest pro render with vray gpu
« on: April 04, 2020, 10:11:49 AM »
I have a scene which is a house placed on a relatively low poly terrain and I have placed some forest pro trees and grass from the presets. I have to render a flythrough animation with my 3x 1080ti gpus with vray gpu engine and my problem is when I place the forest pro items on my scene the times it takes to render each frame goes from 50sec to 20min. This makes rendering the animation just impossible on my system. Are there any tweaks/settings to apply and make the render faster? Also, I cant use 2D billboards for the trees that are far from the point of interest because forest pro seems to not supporting them with the vray gpu engine. The deadline is approaching and I have to find a way to render this animation as fast as possible. Can anyone help me?


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Re: forest pro render with vray gpu
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2020, 05:44:30 PM »

Hard to give any advice without seeing Your scene, what resolution and quality You are after.
If You want to use GPU, that involves additional time for optimizing the scene. Knowing which features renderer supports etc.

I can only suggest You trying test the scene in smaller chunks (only, some grass, then add more then add few trees, etc) and seeing where it starts to become slow and try different workflow to improve the result/time taken to render.


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Re: forest pro render with vray gpu
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2020, 08:59:11 PM »
My scene without any forest pro objects renders quite fast as I already mentioned (about 50sec per frame) for the settings and quality I have chosen. I am not changing any other parameters, I just add the forest pro objects (trees and grass) and the render time skyrockets to 20min per frame. So what I am asking is if there are any settings in the forest pro object, like make the trees have lower polygons or something. I don't care so much about the quality of the trees that are far from the camera, I just need to fill the scene with some trees and some that are near the house I want them to be in high quality. Is there also a workaround for the 2D billboards to render on vray gpu engine? I read that this was a bug but has anyone managed to fix it? This could save me a lot of rendering time.


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Re: forest pro render with vray gpu
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2020, 07:40:23 AM »
Unfortunately vray GPU does not supprot Billboard items and their ForestMaterial.

Please refer to ForestPack and RailClone documentation to learn more which features are supported and which are not.

I have done a GPU test with this scene.

Folliage naturally ads a lot of complexity for the scene hence the increased time.

If You feel that Your time increase is much worse I encourage You to send us Your scene we could try to check why it becomes so slow.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2020, 07:55:23 AM by Rokas »


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Re: forest pro render with vray gpu
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2020, 09:16:05 PM »
I finally used the ForestLOD and added some trees from Laubwerk library with three different LOD. This reduced the rendering time a lot and from 20min per frame it sits now at 8:30 per frame. Now I have to do the same for the grass in order to further reduce the rendering time but in the forest pro library I can't find any LOD grass. Any suggestion for a library with a very low polygon grass that seems realistic?


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Re: forest pro render with vray gpu
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2020, 08:10:54 AM »
Evermotion has recently released a low poly foliage catalog.