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Author Topic: how to put in a hedge along a spline over a mesh terrain ??  (Read 2368 times)


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how to put in a hedge along a spline over a mesh terrain ??
« on: February 14, 2013, 02:08:15 AM »
i've just purchased Trees3 for the hedges and would love to know how to do this in FPP

And would the suggested method allow some randomness to the tranform of the hedge objects so that it doesnt look completely perfect?


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Re: how to put in a hedge along a spline over a mesh terrain ??
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2013, 10:13:21 AM »

Since the pieces are already built in HD Trees 3, you can use Tree Editor->Creation Tools to place the segments along the path:

but there is no way to build a complete hedge automatically, it is necessary to adjust manually the pieces at corners and so.

About randomness, any variation of position, rotation or scale would generate strange results, so i think the best option is to randomize only color tint using Forest Color (i suggest using tint by element):

Alternatively, you would build the structure of the hedge using the standard Max tools or RailClone, and then scatter the leafs over the surface using Forest.

In any case, this is not the most easy project to do with Forest... i think (all possible methods requires advanced techniques).

Carlos Quintero
iToo Software