Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

Instances Out of Scale


Something that Ive ran into after using FP for at least 10 years now. Never ran into this before. The instances are out of scale. Not uniformly, but have been stretched along the X and Y axis. I reset XForm on the surface and the area distribution spline.

Michal KarmazĂ­n:
Hi Dustin,

When using any "scaled surface(s)," Forest inherits its scale (and that's not always desirable). Please double-check, that the Forest scale is set to 100% on all axes. In case of any further troubles with it, as it's really hard to say what's happening exactly in your scene just from the provided images, if possible, please feel free to send us your scene (ideally simplified and containing just this problematic object(s)) to to check it here. Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


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