Thanks for the tip Rokas, it worked like a charm.
I updated my scene and I can now update the look without having to export .vrproxies
However I still hit the RAM limit when I use Meshed Mode for the inner item.
As I understand the documentation I lose the instancing from my original geometry when I use nested forest so I'm not surprised it overloads the RAM when combining everything in to a giant mesh.
You mentioned that there currently is a bug preventing Nested Forest to be used in Automatic mode.
Is it something you are working on and if so when do you believe there will be a new version?
I'm willing to try a nightly build if possible.
I did attach a render where I reduces the amount of grass, trees and bushes to be able to render the scene. But as you can see I would need a lot more of everything to cover the surface. (Nested_Forest.JPG)
And my previous attempt with VR-Proxies, which is more of what I'm aiming for. (VR-Proxy_Forest.jpg)
Br Jens