Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

Issue with open spline


Nildo Essa:

Im having a problem, with distributing forest with an open making an animation of a soccer game, and i have to fill th stadium with ppl, they are not to be animated, but i thought that maybe i would get less work if i drew several splines along the seats and attach them together...this way i would just pick the spline (with multiple splines on it, as they are attached), and the planes would fit them! works except that the planes stay only on one this case aligned with the top can i get the planes to fit the splines on diferent levels without having to make a forest object per row of seats???


Hi Nil,

I've done some tests, but unfortunately there is not an easy solution. Forest is designed to be linked with a surface object to get the Z positions, so by default, it uses only the height of the first spline. Anyway, i must check the source code... perhaps we may do some changes for the next release to support multiple splines.

By now, you must use several Forest objects or attach it to a dummy surface.


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