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Author Topic: License Weirdness  (Read 2211 times)

Mike Truly

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License Weirdness
« on: November 12, 2014, 07:56:44 PM »

OK, so a few days ago I renewed my Forest Pro subscription for my standalone FP.  Downloaded the updates and installed and used the software for several days without issue.  Same license code as always.

Then today, I'm in MAX and I merge in from another MAX2014 file a bunch of stuff including my FPtrees from that file.  The FPtrees were hidden.  So I then go to unhide the FPtrees and they unhide fine (they were displayed as box by the layer settings).  Then I go to render the frame and I get an error message that I need a license, blah blah blah.  I have a license.  So I select the FPtrees and try to go to the modify panel but nothing will display in the panel.  So I reset MAX and try to create FPtrees from scratch but no joy.  So I close MAX.

So I go and find where the license manager lives and open it and it says both my license of FP and RailClone are fine and active.  I try to make FPtrees in MAX again but no joy.  So I go back to the License Manager and click 'add' and re-enter my code and re-authorize and all is fine (I have X more authorizations, etc.) and both my licenses show in the list as before.  Now FP is working again in MAX.

But why did this happen?  I changed nothing about MAX or FP.


Mike Truly
Truly Media

Michal Karmazín

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Re: License Weirdness
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2014, 09:38:03 AM »
Hi Mike,

It sounds like you didn't paste the renewal key after renewal purchase, so your license wasn't successfully updated. As you have mentioned this can be solved by clicking on Add... button and pasting corresponding keys (that updated it's subscription end date and fixed your issue).

The subscription end date you can always double check under Licenses tab of Itoo Software License Manager by selecting the license and clicking on the Details... button.

Also please note, that usually the license activation needs to be repeated in case of reinstallation of operating system (OS) or CPU / BIOS change.

Kind regards,

Mike Truly

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Re: License Weirdness
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2014, 03:20:44 PM »
Thanks for the ideas.

I'm pretty sure I did paste the license code as I always do when installing a new version of FP.  But the license code is always the same and it seemed to be listed as active in the dialog.  I didn't know about inspecting the date.

Thanks again.

Mike Truly
Truly Media