Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

Look-At target Trouble with Maxscript


I want to Update a scene with lot of existing forest and crontrol them with a look-at Target node (camera panel).

when i do this action, the listener report :
$Forest001.lookat = $Teapot001

but when I write it the result is absolutly different !
It's changing the controller of my teapot with a lookat controller !

How can I use a script to edit the look at target of my forest ?

Michal Karmazín:

You should use the $.lookattarget property. I hope that helps.

Best regards,

Thank for the information. It's work but my other question is why the maxscript listener wrote $.lookat and not $.lookattarget ?

Michal Karmazín:

Might be, you’ve grabbed it with some older Forest Pack version? Since the FP7 we renamed it to $.lookattarget to avoid duplications.

Best regards,


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