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Author Topic: Make grass for 15x15km terrain using visible range?  (Read 561 times)


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Make grass for 15x15km terrain using visible range?
« on: May 26, 2024, 04:36:07 AM »
Is there a way to make ForestPack grass for very big terrain (15x15 km), but grass could be visible within some range from 360 degrees camera? I often use the same big terrain plane with displacement map on which I have trees, bushes, shrubs and grass. And for my scenes I just put camera in different locations on terrain. Everything works fine with trees and bushes for such a big terrain. But I am having a problem to make setup for grass which would work fine for any place on terrain. If I use this big terrain as the surface for ForestPack then there are too many grass objects have to be generated initially to whom camera visibility limit or spline limit is applied. But if I render spherical camera with 360 degrees field of view then I need just a radius or range of visibility from camera. The only solution for me to make grass for every camera on terrain is making a duplicate terrain and cut a radius of terrain around camera, and use this small part of terrain as the hidden geometry for ForestPack grass surface. But if I have multiple cameras on terrain then I need to create multiple grass terrains with small range around camera. So, my question is next. Is it possible to make only one ForestPack grass setup which would work without problem for very big terrain within some range from camera, no matter where the camera is on terrain or for multiple cameras?

Michal Karmazín

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Re: Make grass for 15x15km terrain using visible range?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2024, 08:27:58 AM »

For these purposes, the Limit to Visibility feature under the Camera roll-out should be switched off. Instead, it would be recommendable to adjust the Density/Scale Falloff if needed. I hope that helps, and if anything needs clarifying or if you need further assistance, please let us know.

Best regards,