Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

Mulch Planting Areas

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Has anyone used Forest Pack Pro to 'paint' mulch planting areas onto a surface? Is this feasable? ???  Advisable?  ???
I can see 'painting' a planting area.. adding mulch to it, then adding the various bushes & flowers. It would be a nice workflow.


We have not tried it, but depending of the mulch type probably would be more efficient to use a texture. I note the idea for next sample scenes. ;)

Thanks for the response, Carlos. I will keep my eye out for that! If I get a chance to experiment, I will share, too.
Your response sparked a new thought.  :o I really like the Paint/Spline command. Would it be possible to have that painted area define a different texture? In other words: I can have my entire landscape area 'grass', then paint planting areas with Forest Pro, and, within Forest Pro, assign a 'mulch' texture to the painted area.
Thanks again.


No, it is not possible because Forest doesn't render textures, only items. But you would convert the Paint area to a spline (there is a button in the Area properties for that), and then use it to modify the surface or create a new one with the right material.

Thanks again, Carlos. That is a fine solution. I am an Architectural Designer. My main software is REVIT, but I use Max/Vray/Forest Pack more & more these days. I know it is no longer a Forest Pack question, but could you please tell me (a 3ds Max neophyte) how to use the spline that I create in Forest Pack to redefine a surface texture? I have attempted to do this & I have searched the web,etc., but with no success.  :-\


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