Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

New ivy generator

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Hi guys,
seen it demonstrated. Is there a way to get the beta and try it out? Or any info when it'll be released?

Michal Karmazín:

Of course, feel free to give it a try. It can be downloaded from the User Panel in the Downloads - Beta versions section.

Best regards,

Sweet!!! Thanks


--- Quote from: Michal Karmazín on September 12, 2024, 12:04:49 PM ---Hi,

Of course, feel free to give it a try. It can be downloaded from the User Panel in the Downloads - Beta versions section.

Best regards,

--- End quote ---

There's strange behavior when an object is bellow 0 on z axis, so I built the ivy above but now I can't move it back down. Can't use instantiate yet, right? Nor turn it into editable poly after building.

Seems ok if I create it and then move both the generator and object down at the same time :)


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