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Author Topic: Removal of Forest Objects from scene  (Read 2166 times)


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Removal of Forest Objects from scene
« on: September 13, 2021, 08:14:54 AM »
I need to remove quite a few forest from my scene. Most of them are trees and the meshes are xref objects in the scene.
Is there a  script to ensure that once i delete the forest, the corresponding xref objects are also deleted from the scene.
As the deletion of the xref object meshes is not consistent upon deletion of the forest objects.

thank you.

Paul Roberts

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Re: Removal of Forest Objects from scene
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2021, 11:07:56 AM »

You might find this Forest Toolbox script useful. (downloadable from the forum here)

It has a couple of options to manage Forest Pack source items including the ability to move them to the Forest_Templates layer (if not there already), and a button that will select any objects in that layer that are not referenced by a Forest Pack object.

I hope it helps,

Paul Roberts
iToo Software