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Author Topic: Forest Pack Pro objects not rendering on render node.  (Read 21992 times)


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Forest Pack Pro objects not rendering on render node.
« on: July 09, 2020, 08:16:28 PM »

We're currently working on two projects, and they are both experiencing problems with rendering forest pack pro objects on the render node. They render fine on the workstation computer. Once sent to backburner, they just won't come out.

The maps refer to the same folder on a server.

Max 2021, latest version
Forest Pack Pro, latest version on both workstation & render node.

Is there anyone around who might know a solution? We're reaching in the dark...


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Re: Forest Pack Pro objects not rendering on render node.
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2020, 07:58:22 AM »
Hi. I am sorry to hear You are facing these issues. Please provide more information:

What renderer are You using?
As a doublecheck please reinstall ForestPack on all PCs. make sure max is not running an installation does not give any errors.

Do You miss only maps, or geometry as well?

Please provide as much information as You can so we can determine why it fails.


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Re: Forest Pack Pro objects not rendering on render node.
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2020, 08:28:31 AM »
Maps turned out NOT to be in the same spot, although the collection script was asked to relink assets to the new collected folder. Didn't happen for the forest pack distance maps, they kept referring to a local folder
