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Author Topic: Scattered lights don't respect catagories or LightMix  (Read 2914 times)


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Scattered lights don't respect catagories or LightMix
« on: August 26, 2021, 06:05:41 PM »
I'm sure you're aware, and that this is something of a developing feature (an awesome one btw) but scattered lights show in the geometry catagory (not such an issue) but more problematic is that they don't respect LightMix RE in Vray 5. That's a real shame as it can be great for layering up and finetuning lightsources in post (instanced lights mode).

This may be a Vray issue, but nevertherless I just wanted to say it would be great if it can be fixed (and lights in Railclone pls. x)

Michal Karmazín

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Re: Scattered lights don't respect catagories or LightMix
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2021, 09:43:55 AM »

At the moment, all scattered lights are handled as “3ds Max instances of the source light” and these are inserted in the scene just before rendering and deleted once completed. We'll see what can be done once native light instancing will be supported in V-Ray.

Best regards,


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Re: Scattered lights don't respect catagories or LightMix
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2021, 10:13:44 AM »
Thanks, sounds good I noticed them getting inserted in to the scene at render time. I think it would work if I set Lightmix to 'individual lights' but obviously that wouldn't be much help.

As an aside, can you tell me what you mean by 'native light instancing' in Vray? Is this different to what Vray uses for adaptive lighting, where it culls the effect of close instanced lights that cross over each other? (laymans understanding here)


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Re: Scattered lights don't respect catagories or LightMix
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2021, 03:18:33 PM »
Another thing I've noticed is that the objects unless their layer is unhidden, even if 'hidden lights' (in Vray tab) and 'render hidden geometry' (in general tab) are ticked. This one really tripped me up yesterday. Quite often Ihave scenes with masses going on so it's useuful to be able to hide layers but still render them. I'll have to rememeber to unhide my FP light objects in future.

Paul Roberts

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Re: Scattered lights don't respect catagories or LightMix
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2021, 11:19:58 AM »
Thanks, sounds good I noticed them getting inserted in to the scene at render time. I think it would work if I set Lightmix to 'individual lights' but obviously that wouldn't be much help.

As an aside, can you tell me what you mean by 'native light instancing' in Vray? Is this different to what Vray uses for adaptive lighting, where it culls the effect of close instanced lights that cross over each other? (laymans understanding here)


By Native Light Instancing what we mean is the ability to use the V-Ray API to create instances of lights efficiently at render-time the same way as we can with geometry. At the moment this isn't supported so we've worked around it by adding lights to the scene before render and deleting them afterwards, It works, but as you can see there are a few limitations. It is our hope that soon V-Ray will allow for light scattering via their API the same way as they do geometry.

Paul Roberts
iToo Software