Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

Scripts for Forest Pack

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ForestPack Toolbox v1.8

-minor fixes

-added option to move (selected) FP objects to a (new) defined layer.
-added option to add Unreal Datasmith modifier (helper when exporting to Unreal Engine).

New options in red outline. What is in orange- it used to be available in previous versions.
Now it is re-positioned to other similar actions.

is there a function to update the selected material for example to generate a forest edge in the opacity slot or forest color in the diffuse slot?

Alot of time we're dealing with multi materials that have 20+ material slots...


--- Quote from: 3DFLOW on February 16, 2021, 11:01:04 AM ---is there a function to update the selected material for example to generate a forest edge in the opacity slot or forest color in the diffuse slot?

Alot of time we're dealing with multi materials that have 20+ material slots...

--- End quote ---

There is Material Optimizer tool built in Forest Pack Material rollout:

tyvm :))

Updated version of ForestPack Toolbox. Recommended with ForestPack 7.
Many small fixes, some improvements, reorganized UI.

Let us know if You have any feature requests.


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