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Scripts for Forest Pack

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Hello there,
any plan to update Forest Toolbox to handle camera menu without crash, and maybe other new function coming from v8 ?

Thanks !



Forest Toolbox was developed by one of our collaborators (Rokas) as a personal project. Unfortunately he doesn't work anymore at iToo Software.

I'm sorry, but at this moment we have not plans to update the tool.
We would reconsidere that in the future, but currently we have not spare time to dedicate to it.


This Instances to Forest Pack script is terrific, thanks. The original object from which the instances are created, however is not displayed in FP itself, but in the video it is? Being able to convert instanced geometry, maintaining already positioned/transformed geometry is super helpful for efficiency purposes and I'd love to see this built into the plugin.

--- Quote from: Paul Roberts on May 04, 2016, 10:50:54 AM ---InstancesToForest

This script looks in the scene to find instances of the objects in Forest Pack's item list. When it finds them they're added to FP, matching the position, rotation and scale.

To use this script:
- Create a new FP object
- Add an object/s to Forest Pack's items list, these are the things with instances in the scene that you'd like to convert to FP geometry.
- Change to Tree Editor mode
- With the FP object still selected, press Instance To Forest.

Here's a video of it working

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Note that this is an early version. At the moment the Forest Pack object must be at the world origin (the script changes this automatically though). I'd also like to add the ability to append the instances (at the moment it overwrites the current scatter),an option to automatically find instanced objects and add one of them to the items list (great for automatically converting large scenes), and an option to delete the original instances once added to FP.

I hope it's useful for some people.

Many thanks!


--- End quote ---

Hi Paul,

It looks like this script doesn't work fine when converting light instances to forest objects. There is a scale issue, the lights in the forest object are very very small....
If you have any idea on how to solve that.

Thanks in advance.


Hello there, is there a way to check/uncheck animation for all forest pack objects at once?


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