Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

Scripts for Forest Pack

(1/18) > >>

Paul Roberts:
In this sticky topic we encourage you to share any intersting scripts or tools that you've created to make working with Forest Pack even easier.

If you'd like to share your work with the community, just feel free to upload or link to your script with a brief description below.

To download files from our forums you need to be logged in with an account associated with a Pro license.

Many thanks!


Disclaimer: Any scripts uploaded to this thread by the iToo Software team are not supported officially by iToo, please use at your own risk.

Michal KarmazĂ­n:
Surface Assignment

A simple one for quick base surface reassignment, that can be handy in case of having multiple Forest objects.

Its UI is quite simple. To select the "new" surface please Pick Surface button. You can select Forest object(s) manually or if wanted you can select all Forest object in your scene by Select All Forest objects button. By hitting Assign all selected Forest object will now use the picked surface.


thank you

Very nice! Thank you very much for sharing!


= Forest Replace Object =
adding this one also
Carlos made it some time ago
(if I remember this scripts helps to change an object in all forests with new one)


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