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Author Topic: Selecting Forest Object - very slow to redraw  (Read 1646 times)


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Selecting Forest Object - very slow to redraw
« on: November 12, 2015, 01:29:12 AM »
I know I saw a thread about this a long time ago and the response was something to do with analyzing what other processes are running on the computer, something about the way the UI controls are drawn and since forest has so many rollouts it can takes a while. This is starting to become unbearable on my machine so I really want to track down what app I might have that is causing forest to be extremely slow after just selecting the object in Max. Admittedly right now in 'the heat of battle' for a deadline I have TONS of applications open, but in the past I've tried closing nearly everything and I was still having issues. Looking for guidance on if you know of anything specific that causes trouble. Once I'm past deadline I'll try and complete kill every process I can find and see if I can narrow it down myself, but appreciate any help to offer in the meantime!

Edit: I just selected a FP object while in create mode, then when to modifiy panel and counted how long until redraw completed - 15 seconds. :( Max 2016
« Last Edit: November 12, 2015, 01:32:40 AM by SnipeyX »

Michal Karmazín

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Re: Selecting Forest Object - very slow to redraw
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2015, 09:43:34 AM »

I would suggest you to check this post, it might be related to the 3ds Max's "Retimers issue".

Is that behaviour typical for any new scene or do you facing it with some specific one? If so, would you please send us that scene (containing problematic object(s)) through WeTransfer to to analyse it here?

Best regards,


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Re: Selecting Forest Object - very slow to redraw
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2015, 10:01:12 PM »
I found the thread I was remembering, this is what I'm experiencing, not directly Max but somehow related to the Java redraw of UIs or something weird like that?? I guess I'm wondering what other apps people may have noticed contribute to this issue, or if there are any other ideas. Here are the results fo the exercise I just ran through, starting with my pc in a 'middle of working' state with tons of stuff open, complex scene, etc. I'll do further testing on a fresh reboot later. The script I ran multiple times in between each process close: (with a forest object pre-selected) 
Code: [Select]
max create mode
start = timestamp()
max modify mode
end = timestamp()
format "Modify swap took % seconds\n" ((end - start) / 1000.0)

Here are my results, with comments on what I did in between each run of the above script:
Modify swap took 13.092 seconds
Modify swap took 13.509 seconds
Modify swap took 13.007 seconds
--closed layer manager and slate material editor
Modify swap took 12.503 seconds
Modify swap took 13.118 seconds
--closed maxscript help chm, process explorer
Modify swap took 12.026 seconds
Modify swap took 12.083 seconds
--closed oneNote, windows photo viewer, outlook
Modify swap took 10.612 seconds
Modify swap took 10.803 seconds
--closed backburner monitor, notepad, Ditto system tray
Modify swap took 12.557 seconds
--closed a bunch of tabs in chrome
Modify swap took 10.009 seconds
Modify swap took 9.159 seconds
--closed Skype, Sysinternals ZoomIt, other tabs in script editor
Modify swap took 8.028 seconds
Modify swap took 8.217 seconds
Modify swap took 8.345 seconds
--completely closed chrome
Modify swap took 5.981 seconds
Modify swap took 5.22 seconds
Modify swap took 4.835 seconds
--closed ie (had two tabs)
Modify swap took 4.805 seconds
Modify swap took 4.867 seconds
--exited snagit systray, a360, adsk app manager, turn off flicks
Modify swap took 4.538 seconds
Modify swap took 4.534 seconds
--file > reset (blank scene)
Modify swap took 0.039 seconds
Modify swap took 0.009 seconds
--created a forest pro object with a single tree
Modify swap took 4.637 seconds
Modify swap took 4.661 seconds
--all rollouts minimzed
Modify swap took 4.58 seconds
--command panel hidden
Modify swap took 4.603 seconds
Modify swap took 5.015 seconds

So it looks like there's really no one major offender, it's the culmination of everything that gets us to 13+ seconds? But if it is just strictly redraw, the 4 seconds without any UI is interesting... Could that portion be the time it takes to checkout the license from our network license manager? (or does the "build ui code" still run somehow even if command panel is hidden?)