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Author Topic: Small wish for Forest Camera  (Read 22648 times)


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Small wish for Forest Camera
« on: July 18, 2007, 04:33:08 PM »
Sometimes the scene is very complex and sometimes I discover that my trees don't look at the right direction and to choose the camera I have to go back to Top View, zoom or pan, pick the camera, and go back to Camera view.
I would prefer to have a pulldown edit box or a list of all the available cameras and pick from there.
I think it is faster and easier this way. I'd like to see this for every forest and for "Forest Camera" plugin

I will sign it only if it is a piece of art!


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Re: Small wish for Forest Camera
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2007, 05:56:26 PM »

Why don't you enable the 'Auto assign to the active view' option ?

Also, to pick a camera by its name, you can click the 'Pick' button, and select it using the 'Select By Name' button on the main toolbar.
Carlos Quintero
iToo Software


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Re: Small wish for Forest Camera
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2007, 06:57:43 AM »

Why don't you enable the 'Auto assign to the active view' option ?

Because when I bought FPpro, I was so busy I just had to finish my 3 projects. So far, I haven't been able to read and learn all FPpro's features... I haven't even used planes for example, and I have only used the free plugins once!
But... please answer me this...If we have this option, then why do we have to assign a camera? After all, with "assign to the active viewport" enabled, we always have the correct orientation for the trees, why does the camera rollout exists?

Also, to pick a camera by its name, you can click the 'Pick' button, and select it using the 'Select By Name' button on the main toolbar.
Yes, I know this can be done, I just think it's better with a camera list.
I will sign it only if it is a piece of art!


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Re: Small wish for Forest Camera
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2007, 08:17:25 PM »
But... please answer me this...If we have this option, then why do we have to assign a camera? After all, with "assign to the active viewport" enabled, we always have the correct orientation for the trees, why does the camera rollout exists?

There are some reasons:

- The automatic view feature was not exist in the first Forest releases
- The 'camera' parameter must exist to link Forest to it, although the plugin assign it automatically
- We use some unsupported Max functions to get the active view, it may not work in all conditions
- In some situations may be useful to assign it manually

Carlos Quintero
iToo Software