Thanks for the suggestion, we always appreciate feedback. I agree that lined grass presets would be handy, I'll add that one to the wish list.
For edge mode, that's tricky. As you point out it can slow down renders, although generally speaking only with huge huge distributions. This is because for each clump near the area's edge, Forest Pack must check each blade of grass against the spline and store the results in an array. On the other hand, if you were to use smaller clumps around the perimeter, at a certain scale you might end up with so many scattered objects that this causes an issue instead. It's something we'll have to think a bit about. If you're not already though, I would also recommend optimising where you can, perhaps by separating the scene into different areas, some near the camera with edge mode enabled and further from the camera without. Frustum and distance culling may also help out.
Could also add a edge mode up top near line or paint mode where you can choose certain models. Hope this makes sense.
I am a little unclear on this point, would you be able to expand a little what you mean.
Many thanks again,