Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

transform limits


I'm doing blood animation with forest (forest is a very flexible tool I found and I like it  ;) )
I made a spline, blood cells were scattered over sweep surface using UV mode

now I need to make vein expansion but I already reached the upper limit in translation over Z
now it's set from 0 to 1000% - I need to animate it to 2000% to show more blood cells coming
see the screenshot -

is there any way to increase the limit?
maybe for the future would be great to have both options in % and in system units
as I see 1000% equals 10 geometry objects one on top of the other (red blood cells are quite flat, so 10 heights in not big distance)

here is the video sample how it looks like for the moment

The scale limit is hardcoded in the plugin, but we can change it for the next update.

We used percentage instead units so it works regardless of the model size. Unfortunately would be difficult to set both options, because Max doesn't allow to switch the type of a parameter.

i found walk around...
rotated object around X by 90 so its not flat along Z
no I have more flexibility with translation % over Z axes


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